
A healthier choice for a healthier you.

Our services

We want you to get the training you deserve.

mPathFocus supports the wellness of Canadians by providing mental health training and other supports, including stress management, to address the increased need for mental health support.

We focus on providing affordable and relevant mental training to community service organizations, corporations, sports teams, and emergency services in western Canada.

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What we offer

Get training for all your mental healthcare needs.

Mental Health First Aid Training

Our MHFA Program is designed for Adults who interact with Youth. Our program focuses on mental health problems and first aid for youth ages 12 to 24.

Aims of our course:

  • Recognize the symptoms of mental health problems or crises as they develop in youth, including eating disorders and non-suicidal self-injury.
  • Provide initial help when facing a mental health problem or crisis.
  • Guide youth and/or adults who support them toward appropriate professional help.
  • Learn how to accommodate young people who are in distress or are recovering from a crisis.

Critical Incident Stress Management Support

CISM is for First Responders, Emergency Services, Partners and Spouses with a focus on on mental resilience, stress management and post-trauma programs.

After experiencing a trauma event, the main focus of CISM, as developed and authored by George Everly Jr. PhD, ABPP, FAPA and Jeffery Mitchell PhD of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, is to assist individuals in 4 key areas:

  • Stabilization of the individual by meeting their basic needs of food, fluids, and a safe location
  • Help in reducing stress
  • Aid in getting back to their regular day-to-day routine
  • Together with the individual, provide options for professional care and access to supports

The Working Mind First Responders

The Working Mind First Responders (TWMFR) is an education-based program designed to address and promote mental health and reduce the stigma of mental illness in a first-responder setting.

The Working Mind First Responders is a training program aimed to:

  • Improve short-term performance and long-term mental health outcomes
  • reduce barriers to care and encourage early access to care
  • provide the tools and resources required to manage and support first responders who may be experiencing a mental illness; and
  • assist supervisors in maintaining their own mental health as well as promoting positive mental health in their employees

Want to learn more how mPath Focus can help you and your team by providing key training?